March 4, 2025


The latest in Philippine motoring.

How to Properly and Safely Disinfect Your Car Interior – AutoPH 101

What you should and should not do when cleaning and disinfecting your car.

It isn’t unknown that we are all currently experiencing a global pandemic. In this time, everyone knows that the most important thing to do now is to maintain good personal hygiene. While most of us are staying home, there are a good number who also go out for grocery runs and other unavoidable errands. This makes our cars quite vulnerable and just like us, will need disinfecting.

At first, car interiors seem to not be the easiest to clean. You have to take note of the materials that make up the interior as some may get damaged. As long as you know what you are doing, and you have the right tools, cleaning and disinfecting your interior won’t be difficult at all.

Here are some important things that you can consider when cleaning your car interior:

Automotive cleaning agents are your best friends

The fact that these are made for cars ensure that they won’t be doing any harm or damage to your car’s interior. If you have them on hand, it is always best to use them instead of alternatives.

Soap with water is the best alternative

Not all of us have access to automotive products that can be used for cleaning. If you are unable to get your hands on them, soap is the best alternative and is also most likely easily available. Liquid hand soap and dishwashing liquid will do.

Alcohol-based products may damage your car’s interior

Cars are not humans, what may be good for us may not necessarily be the best for your car’s interior. Alcohol-based products such as hand sanitizers and rubbing alcohol can damage plastics around your interior, as well as your touchscreen display’s anti-glare and anti-fingerprint coatings.

Never use alcohol and detergent-based products for cleaning leather

These types of products will more than likely dry out the leather seats and accents around your interior. Dry leather will lead to cracks and holes appearing. If you have no choice, make sure to use some leather-conditioner after.

Focus on common touch points

Areas in your car that are touched more often with your hands will need extra attention. Some examples of these are the steering wheel, door handles, gear shifter, and infotainment system.

Be nice, don’t be too harsh

While you do have to make sure to scrub and wipe different surfaces properly, make sure not to do it too hard as too much friction may cause different surfaces of your interior, especially the seats to become faded or even torn.

Make sure that you finish dry

Remember to wipe all surfaces that you clean dry. Make sure not to leave any of your cleaning agents on any surface as these can also lead to stains or worse, damage.