5 Car Trends That NEED TO STOP

Like everything else around us, cars are changing, and fast. Just like clothing, style trends make their way into cars as well albeit in a different manner. Different car manufacturers are putting the latest tech and the most popular types of design they can. Whether they do everything on purpose or by accident, there are things that just need to stop in my opinion.
Take note that design is subjective and that this article is opinionated so I may not share the same sentiments with you. Anyway, here are five car trends that I think should be stopped.
- Same designs for every model

A signature look for a brand is not bad at all. It’s what let’s you know from afar what it is. There are times however that using a certain signature design language goes too far and ends up making most if not all the models look the same.
Okay, it’s your identity but that does not mean that all your models should have the same front fascia. Having the same or similar front grilles is acceptable but putting the same or extremely similar headlights, bumper creases, and other details on different models is not at all acceptable. It wouldn’t hurt to be a bit more creative right?
I remember reading an article from a local car magazine at the time when this trend was just starting and the author said that having the same or similar front fascias on all models should not be done by car manufacturers unless they have four rings on their grilles. I totally agree!
- Excessive Piano Black Plastics

There is no doubt that piano black plastics look good. They always add a nice touch of class to what should otherwise be a boring interior. There are times however that they are used just too much.
Some cars use piano black plastics in the worst surfaces possible just like the center console. Using such material here automatically creates a scratch magnet as many people place items here such as how women put their handbags anywhere in a car. Those items will usually scratch the plastics and once that’s done, it’s hard to fix. Another is that these piano black plastics are placed in frequently touched areas. Why would you even make the armrest on the door piano black? Expect that to get fingerprints as well when pulling the door shut.
It’s okay to use piano black plastics but never put them on the gear shifter, steering wheel, window switches, door handles and any button in the car that is most likely to be touched.
- Rotary Gearshift Dials

Traditional gear shifters were basically the same for the longest time. They are as simple as P-R-N-D-L or maybe “prindle” as the cast of one popular TV series said. As time goes by, there have been changes to this such as those electronic gear shifters. These are actually not bad but you do need to get used to them. P is usually a button while N and D are next to each other. R is usually a push forward, easy. Push button shifters aren’t so bad too with simple and easy to distinguish buttons and switches.
What’s wrong then? Rotary Gearshift Dials, those knobs that have P-R-N-D-L around them and maybe + and – buttons next to them. As much as they look good, they just don’t give the same feedback you get from using an actual shift lever. On top of that there’s the muscle memory involved with moving a lever unlike with the knob where you need to make sure you’re in the right gear.
- Touchscreen Aircon Controls

I admit, touchscreen airconditioning controls look cool. They look even cooler when the car is switched off since you get a blank area on the dashboard. Makes other people think “ohhh, what could this be?”
It’s not all good though as sometimes they are tricky to use while driving as they may take your eyes off the road. You might also press a different setting instead of what you intended to. There’s more that’s worse than that though, some car manufacturers put the aircon controls in the infotainment system. They say it’s for a cleaner layout on the dashboard. Yes it’s cleaner but harder to use. Perhaps they think that you should do all your aircon adjustments before you leave and have no right to be able to adjust them easily while driving.
Thankfully some manufacturers still offer tactile buttons where you expect them in addition to the controls in the infotainment system. Some also have done away with touchscreen controls and returned to traditional buttons and knobs. There was never anything wrong with them anyway right?
- Fake Exhaust Outlets

This goes to both car manufacturers and car owners and is probably what we hate the most. Please stop putting fake exhaust outlets on your rear bumpers. There’s really no point in them and they actually loom stupid and tacky. Yes they look good sometimes but please just stop making them.
Car owners, please end the mockery as well by not buying aftermarket body kits with these awful fake exhaust tips.

Those are the 5 car trends that I think should be stopped immediately. Are there trends that you think should be stopped as well, or maybe trends that I listed but you actually like? Comment below.